Capturing the Mind of Christ by Shelley Crozier-Fleming

If you are perceptive, you noticed a common theme threading through all of the articles in this issue.  Did you catch it? If not, let me help you. It was the importance of the mind.

The human mind is quite complex and absolutely speaks to the vast intellect of our Father in Heaven. He created our minds in such a way that our thought life would have a direct impact on our actions. As Jeremy mentioned, when we routinely align our thoughts with the word of God we enter into soundness of mind. Contrarily, the Father also knew that when left unchecked, the human mind could absolutely wreak havoc on our world. For this reason, we are instructed to renew our mind in Romans 12:2.

Mind renewal is a daily, if not moment by moment endeavor, yet there is rarely any discussion on how to get the job done. Recognizing just how important this concept is, I created an entire course on Udemy to provide practical application for renewing the mind called "Thinking Freely". Since this is our inaugural issue, I have decided to give Yashab subscribers
access to the course FREE of charge. But only for a limited time. Click NOW to get started and share with family and friends. Here's to starting the new year with a new mind! God Bless!

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