Welcome to Yashab! I am super excited to bring you May's Relationship Rescue Issue!  In my opinion, there is no more important topic than that of marriage in the life of God's people. The Father so valued marriage that He patterned it to reflect His own love relationship with humanity. And it is through this love relationship that we will see the return of Jesus our Lord and Savior. What an astounding thought! 

That being said, considering that we haven't been promoted to our heavenly home yet, it is absolutely safe to say marriage is difficult.  While I am sure that you will agree that no two marriages are alike, therefore there is no such thing as one-size fits all marriage advice, I remain undaunted in my belief that all things pertaining to love and happiness can be found in God's word.  It is, after all, a living and breathing organism with the power to transform. 

I know when faced with dark times in my previous marriage (I'll talk more about that in the Moment@TheWell), God's word offered hope and confidence that I could carry on, come what may. So in this month's issue of Yashab, some friends and I explore the depths of the word to offer practical and practicable wisdom for marital success. 

This month, we are particularly blessed to include the writings of three (four including me) published authors: Erica Foster, Mark Youngkin, and Angie Yousey. As well as a couple of special guests (check out the last names).  

As you will see, each contributor offers a unique perspective on marriage and relationships, yet they are bound together by the belief that marriage is ultimately unto bringing glory to our Father in heaven. If you listen closely, I'm pretty sure that you will be able to hear the current of heaven.

Also this month, we have introduced two new columns that will appear regularly in Yashab called Love Yourself and PostED

Each article under the PostED heading had its origins in a social media post (how fun). In this issue, Ashlee V. Grant shares a humorous post about marriage. 

Love Yourself will offer self-care reflections aimed at keeping you in Shalom no matter your personal circumstances. In this issue, Erica Foster offers sage advice to her daughter that ended up being a reminder to herself (don't you love when that happens?).

Happy Reading!

Shelley Crozier Fleming
Lead Pastor, TheWell Encounter
Editor & Publisher, Yashab
Apostolic leader, minister of grace, author, counselor, and publisher, Shelley is the Founder and CEO of a dynamic counseling and discipleship ministry located in Ohio called the TheWell Encounter. Serving both as shepherd and guide, Shelley partners with the Holy Spirit so that He may put together again the broken lives of His people. It is through the work of this ministry that Shelley envisions facilitating radical transformation within the modern church which is only made possible by the love of God being shed abroad in the heart of all believers.