Moment @TheWell: "The Truth About Anxiety and Depression"

"And you will know the truth and the truth will set you free"   John 8:32

Let me begin by saying that I know how difficult life can be when anxiety and depression are your constant companion. The feelings of helplessness and hopelessness are without a doubt overwhelming. I have heard it said that the simple act of breathing seems to take all of your effort.  I have also heard it said that depression is the equivalent of sitting in a deep dark hole, with not even the faintest glimpse of the light.  The truth of the matter is anxiety and depression are a dynamic duo. They often travel together playing off of one another, driving those bound by them into the depths of despair and often to the brink of death. The physiological impulse called fight or flight kicks in. Though it may feel as if your heart and mind are in a grudge match for who can move the fastest to a place of hiding, there is most certainly no corresponding fight instinct, due to the incapacitating effects of depression.  It appears that flight is the only option. Retreating deeper into the recesses of your own cavernous thoughts feels the safest. So this is the path (of least resistance) that is taken, you move further and further away from everything and everyone that matters. You move further and further away from the Father. You move further and further away from your true self.  You go deeper and deeper into your own cataclysmic world where light is a distant memory. 

What a painful reality. Yet, so many in the world AND in the body of Christ are dogged by these sinister siblings.  But what if I told you that both anxiety and depression can be rectified, without medication? What if I said, that these conditions of the soul have had a grip on some of the greatest Biblical figures of all time? What relief would be found in simply knowing the truth?

This is the crux of my whole ministry: to tell the truth, trusting that it is the Truth that will make you free. So here is the truth: you are a child of God, that is loved by God, and has a distinct purpose in Him. Every difficult moment of your life is a part of your process. Yes, you heard me right, it is a part of your process. In my book The Fearless, I called this the tight place. The tight place feels dark and limiting because it is the place where your flesh goes to die so that something more beautiful can emerge. Yet that pesky devil, is bent on finding a way to cause confusion during this time.  Despite the countless messages we see in media both (overt and subliminal) I believe that Solomon said it best, "there is nothing new under the sun" (Eccl 1:9). Contrary to how it is made to seem by the billion-dollar pharmaceutical industry, anxiety and depression are not new phenomena. Anxiety and depression have existed since mankind's expulsion from the garden.  Genesis records Cain as being depressed by the Fathers rejection of his sacrifice (Genesis 3).  There are a host of other accounts where MOMENTS of depression and anxiety are recorded in the Bible including our Saviors own bout with them as He prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane. 

So, What are Anxiety and depression, really? The DSM5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual- 5th Edition) defines anxiety as an apprehensive expectation or the fear that something bad is going to happen. Depression is defined as low mood or despondency (low spirits from loss of hope or courage). That's how the world defines them, but what about the Bible? Biblically speaking, anxiety can be summed up in one word: FEAR. More specifically fear of the unknown. We have all seen the acrostic for fear, False Evidence Appearing Real. This is exactly what anxiety is. It is the end result of looking at the facts produced by this fallen world.

In other words, anxiety is the devil's domain. According to 2 Timothy 1:7, we are not given a spirit of fear (through reconciliation with God), but one of power, love and a sound mind.  Hmm. Selah that for a moment. Fear is not our portion. It is a counterfeit.

And what about depression? What is depression from a biblical perspective? Depression is the loss of hope and courage.  It is only the unrenewed, unsanctified mind that forgets that our hope does not lie in what we can perceive, but instead our gaze must be fixed upon the one that cannot be seen (2 Cor 4:18). In this upside down and backward world, a misdirected gaze will result in depression.

So what's my point? If it is not already clear, these conditions of the soul are a part of the shakab perversion that has permeated the whole earth, post "fall".  If we are to combat their effects on our lives we have to remember the basics (oh how often forget the basics, particularly when staring at mountains).  So let's do a quick refresher. First, mankind is a spirit, that possesses a soul, and lives in a body. Our significance in the earth is according to that order: Spirit, Soul, then Body. Failing to keep first things first is a recipe for disaster.  Understand this, as a result of the fall, the Divine order became misaligned. Our spirit took a back seat to our soul and our body.  Yet, when the divine wooing of our Father in Heaven led us back to Himself through the gift of salvation, we had the opportunity to reconstituted, or constituted (made whole) again. It was an invitation or an opportunity only. We were put in the right order, but the manifestation of that order would have to be an act of our own will or desire.  We have a responsibility to renew our mind, take thoughts captive, and realign with our Heavenly Father. You see, when our spirit is out of alignment with that of our Father, the One that He sent to shine on us is hidden. Think about how dreary 14 days straight of rain is.  On day three, it often feels like it will always be like this. If it weren't for the meteorologists, we would certainly be without hope.  

Likewise, being a spirit first "new" creation means that in order to thrive we must feel the radiance of the Son. Without such an experience or encounter we revert back to shakab thinking and determine that this is our portion...forever. Imagine having no sunshine...ever, what a heavy thought.  Having no Sonshine produces the same result.  

Another truth that must be held close is that we have an enemy. Let me tell you, Satan is sneaky. Genesis calls him the most cunning of all the created beings.  He knows how to perpetuate shakab, which is the perversion of Yada (to know, be known, and well respected) like no other. He is steadily watching and waiting for the right opportunity to strike, and he often strikes when you are already down in the tight place. The greatest lie that Satan has ever perpetrated is that he is not real. This is how he is able to operate in stealth mode. Now don't get me wrong, he is certainly no rival for God, nor we ourselves as long as we are aware of his strategies. However, he is our foe and he seeks to kill, steal, and destroy us (John 10:10). C.S. Lewis said it best, there may not be a devil behind every bush, but there are some devils behind some bushes.  Recognizing that anxiety and depression come straight from the author of perversion is paramount in any effort to break free from these strongholds which too often have their roots in unforgiveness.  A stronghold is guarded by a strongman that must be dispossessed or made to leave. Therefore, there are occasions when deliverance ministry (evicting demons) is required. There should be no shame in that. In fact, the Greek word for salvation is Sozo which means to save, heal, and set free or deliver.  So many leave this vital portion of our inheritance on the table, don't let that be you. Once deliverance has been received, seek the help of a Biblical Counselor to help you learn ways to stay free. Here are a few of the insights offered during Biblical counseling

1. There must be an alignment with the Father.  If If you have not done so, repent. Change your mind about who is in charge. God has no rivals or equals. Satan is just a disgruntled former employee. Declare your belief that Jehovah is the King of the WHOLE universe. Acknowledge your need for a savior and invite Jesus to set up His throne in your heart. Make room for his throne by coming out of agreement with the Shakab principles of the world.

2. Make sure that your spiritual tank remains filled with Him. The enemy takes full advantage of us when we are lackadaisical towards the things of God. Read the word, pray, worship daily.

3. Make a habit of inspecting the garden of your heart (your soul). The command to cultivate and keep our garden is still in effect. Look for weeds (lies planted by Satan), remove them, and replace them with the truth. 

4. Determine to be like David.  Set your eyes on the things above only.  Do not fall for the schemes of the enemy that would cause you to look at what is in front of you.  Remember, if you can see it---it's temporary. Friends, it won't be like this forever. There is always hope in Christ Jesus. One day this world will pass away, and that which remains will be His Kingdom.  Hold fast to that truth, do not let anyone or anything take this away from you.

5. Finally, live a life steeped in forgiveness. The parable of the unforgiving debtor shows us that the enemy has a legal right to torment those that do not forgive others as they have been forgiven by the Father.

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